Every woman secretly yearns to be showered with love, care and attention. She wishes to be pampered and touched in a way that makes her lose herself while fully experiencing her female strength and the joy of the aroused energy that belongs only to her. However, women often encounter partners who lack a sufficient amount of patience in exploring and discovering their bodies, and therefore women are often unaware of all the things their bodies can offer them. Tantric massage will lead you deep into your feelings and to a profound relaxation of your whole body and mind. It will lavish you with tenderness and an arousal that you perhaps have never before experienced. Among other elements, a part of the tantric massage may include the intimate massage of the yoni and pelvic floor. Alternately, you can experience this sensual ritual honoring your body without this massage. Contact during the massage is safe and non-intrusive. The massage adheres to your feelings and boundaries…